Away Tournament Times

february Away Tournament

San Dimas Gc

Sat. february 8, 2025

1st tee time:  7:15 am 

Playing tee:   white

Format:  low gross / Low net

Tournament Fee is $120 by 1/31/25, or $130 from 2/1/25 to 2/8/25

Includes: Green, Cart, & Prize Fees

($10 Extra Fee not charged, if filling in for an already committed spot)

You may pay in advance via Venmo @ link below

(Include Name, Phone#, Tournament Name/Date)

Directions to golf course


If you’ve signed up, but don’t see your name on the website, please contact Harout at:


or call/text him at:

(626) 380-6053

Thank You!

last Updated: 1/16/25 at 7:25 pm

Check back often, groups & times are final on tournament day!


~~~~~~~ san dimas sign ups  ~~~~~~~

Harout Ayvazian, Ed Lee, Mark Hannon, Larry Kavanaugh

Mike McCabe

Bert Barrett

Richard Gonzales

Don Ramey

Richard Sawhill


~~~~~~~ san dimas Groups & Tee Times ~~~~~~~

Grp  1,  7:15 – 

Grp  2,  7:24 –

Grp  3,  7:33 –

Grp  4,  7:42 – 

Grp  5,  7:51 –

Grp  6,  8:00 –

Grp  7,  8:09 – 

Grp  8,  8:18 – 

Grp  9,  8:27 – 

Grp 10, 8:36 – 

~~~~~~~ Wait List~~~~~~~


~~~~~ Additional Tournament Rules ~~~~~

1) Post your score within 1 day, as an away roundFailure to post may result in a penalty round being assessed!

2) One person from each group must text a photo of scorecard & one person from final group must text photo of CTP signs upon completion of round to the tournament chair.

3) Players Age 65+ may play from one of forward tees – Course Handicap will be adjusted accordingly. 

4) If ball or swing interferes with “crab” or “goose” grass, take nearest relief (not 1 club length) & no nearer to hole.  No penalty!